Believe me, I get it moms … sometimes it’s nice to be alone! Like the 30 minutes before the family starts to wake up and it’s just you and your cup of coffee. Exercising alone can be nice too - the day’s stress can magically disappears with a good song and a tree lined street to run down.
But let’s face it, exercising can be hard to prioritize, especially with a long list of other things on your to-do list. Often, lacing up your running shoes gets put in the “later” pile… indefinitely. Especially if you have to go it alone. Enter the running buddies, the sweat sisters, the fitness friends, the exercise allies, otherwise known as the people you wouldn’t dare let down by NOT showing up for your scheduled workout. Maybe it's one person who's on the same schedule and life-pace as you or perhaps you have a small group of friends who have a regular hiking date. Whatever your buddy system looks like, it's made up of exercise-leaning people who are especially good at motivating you (or badgering you till you say yes) to join them even when the sky is dark and your body is tired. These are the people who are also counting on you to get them through the next few miles and they won’t let you live it down if you flake. If all your current friends start muttering about errands whenever you suggest a hike, it may be time to join a fitness group. Groups like We Fit Moms are great for introducing you to fitness other-minded women. You can also start asking around at your local running store or post on social media. Getting into a routine with friends can enhance your workout by taking your mind off the harder moments, inspiring you to set bigger goals, helping you stick to a program and let's face it, it adds a layer of safety. A run is far more fun when you can swap stories, laugh at bad jokes, or enjoy a great view together. In the end, a little alone time is nice but a conversation-packed workout with friends can be therapeutic.